Good communication is anchored in strategic and tactical planning. JPR can take an active role in the preparation, analysis, and development of communication strategy. We can also propose and implement operational measures based on existing strategy. The most important thing is that the foundation is rock solid, that we share a clear understanding of reality with the client, and that all involved are working along the same strategic and tactical lines.
Most client relationships begin with a brief strategy process, where we define the goals, challenges or problems to be solved or discussed, using the existing communication strategy. As part of this, one might identify any need for analysis, adjustment, or development of new strategic foundations. If anything is missing or unclear, we take the responsibility of patching up the holes, be it an issue of information collection and analysis, or redefinition of goals and plans.
We use classical models and methodological tools for situation analysis, strategy selection, and planning. A critical part of the strategy process is to define realistic objectives for the road ahead and to select the correct and most effective communication activities and initiatives in relation to these. Similarly, in order to define simple and clear responsibilities, procedures, and guidelines for communication, and to implement this into the clients organization.
As soon as the strategic foundation is in place, we are ready to take an active role in planning and implementing ongoing operational communication activities. In short, getting everything running and ensuring that things get done. JPR proposes appropriate measures and activities, based on defined objectives and strategy, which requires a combination of experience, creativity, and an analytical approach. We also work as a driver, project manager, and quality assurance in the daily operational work, where we regularly evaluate, adjust, and ensure that the process is heading in the right strategic direction.